Who We Are

The BBI is a centralized community of investigators who pursue bold, impactful research on the brain and behavior. By fostering excellence and innovation and promoting collaborations between neuroscience and engineering, computer science, mathematics, physical sciences, cognitive sciences and humanities, the BBI unites existing strengths at the University of Maryland and provides the platform for the elevation and expansion of campus neuroscience. We are administratively housed in CMNS and support the University of Maryland research enterprise.

Specific research foci targeted for growth and expansion include neuro-development and neuro-aging, the two temporal epochs most critical to the acquisition and maintenance of sensation, perception, cognition, mental health and physical health as well as most vulnerable to disruption by changes in the internal or external environment.

Read more about the mission of the BBI.

Our Approaches

Our investigators approach the brain and behavior in health and disease across multiple scales:

  • Cellular & Molecular
  • Complex Systems & Physiology
  • Central Nervous System Imaging
  • Behavioral
  • Cognitive
  • Computational
  • Artificial & Virtual Networks

Explore the levels of analysis applied by BBI investigators.

Our Results

The BBI annual seed grant competition targets multidisciplinary approaches and tool generation to understand complex behaviors produced by the nervous system. BBI seed grant investments have been translated into funding from federal and private sources, including the NIH BRAIN Initiative, National Institute for Mental Health, National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, AT&T, and the Leiber Institute for Brain Development.

Learn about the translational success of BBI seed grants.