Bradley, Karen
Brain and Behavior Institute
Prof. Bradley is a specialist in Movement Analysis and she consults regularly to educators nationally on arts education, research, and policy. She has been a member of the State of Maryland Task Force on Arts and Higher Education Arts Task Force (HEAT) to Arts Education in Maryland Schools (AEMS).
Bradley has authored many articles and chapters on dance education research and policy and most recently, co-authored a white paper entitled "Evidence: A Report on the Impact of Dance in the K-12 School Setting" for the National Endowment for the Arts.
She wrote a book about Rudolf Laban and his performance practices for Routledge's series on 20th Century Performance Practitioners (2008). Current research includes "Your Brain on Dance" with Dr. Jose Luis Contreras-Vidal, "Moving Stories: digital tools for movement, meaning, and interaction", with Simon Fraser University, and "The Art of Science Learning", a NSF project. She is also leading a team of student researchers in a Future of Information grant: "Re-Imaging and Re-Imagining Choreometrics."
MA, Dance, University of Oregon (1977), CMA (Certified Movement Analyst in Laban Movement Analysis, 1984), further study in dance/movement therapy.