Faculty Directory

Chen, Yu

Chen, Yu

Associate Professor
Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Studies
A. James Clark School of Engineering
Brain and Behavior Institute
2330A Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building

Biomedical optical imaging Optical coherence tomography (OCT) Optical coherence microscopy (OCM) Diffuse optical spectroscopy and imaging Molecular imaging Early cancer diagnosis Neuroimaging  

The Internet of Bio-Nano Things

Researchers aim to bridge the gap between microelectronics and biological systems to create next-generation wearables.

Institute Hosts AMBIC December Conference, Unveils New Research

AMBIC Industry Board members and other researchers convened to discuss new and ongoing projects.

UMD Researchers Develop Technique to Advance Cell-Based Systems

Autonomous coordination of cell subpopulations highlighted in Nature Communications.

BBI Sponsors Animal Communication and Human Language Conference

Conference featured scientific leaders in the fields of animal communication and human language.